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Cardinal Careers

Click below for information surrounding the many aspects of careers advice and guidance at Cardinal Heenan Catholic High School.

If you would like to give feedback, or feel you could help with our careers programme in terms of opportunities such as work experience, or in being a guest speaker with respect to your own career experiences, please do not hesitate to contact the Information, Advice and Guidance Mentor Ms C Hackett.
Telephone: 0151 235 1430 Email:

Online learning experiences

For pupils in year 7-9 tasks and information are available on Cardinal Careers @ KS3

For pupils in year 10 tasks and information are available on Cardinal Careers @ Year 10

For pupils in year 11 tasks and information are available on Cardinal Careers @ Year 11

For pupils in year 12 or 13, tasks and information are available on Cardinal Careers @ Year 12 ; Cardinal Careers @ Year 13

Information and website provided from the Growth Platform;

Edge Hill University’s Virtual Outreach Programme

Edge Hill University is offering a timetabled plan of live activities designed to provide information and support to students regarding Higher Education.

Each live session will focus on a specific topic in HE and will be delivered by one of Edge Hill’s Education Liaison Team.

The WOW Show

An assembly-tailored programme and lesson plans supporting different jobs and industries

The resource looks great and tells you everything you need to know about the programme. To view click here.

Speakers for Schools

Speakers for schools are proudly offering VTalks each week which a different speaker every day and talks will be targeted to different year groups. To view click here.


Springpod offers Virtual Work Experience and live workshops with employers. Students can ask questions to industry professionals. Flexible timing to fit student schedules. Programmes take place during the holidays. 10 hours of activity over 2 weeks. Learning real skills and building confidence. Students will receive a certificate once they complete the programme, and can add the experience to CV and personal statements. To view click here.

BBC Bitesize Careers

Access resources here.

Be More Apprenticeships, Liverpool City Region

The Be More team are working remotely and can still be contacted to arrange telephone discussions and provide advice on all matters relating to apprenticeships. Find out more here.

TEL: 0800 074 0724

Be Ready

Free online training platform containing 20+ hours of accredited, video-based courses covering key careers, employability and well-being. Find out more here.

The Gatsby Benchmarks

All schools have been given sole responsibility for their careers programme. This is based on the Gatsby benchmarks and will be evaluated on a regular basis based on these benchmarks. Under guidance from the Department for Education all schools should be working towards these benchmarks and should be fully implemented by 2020.

There are eight benchmarks have been reviewed in the development of the careers programme for Cardinal Heenan, these are;

  1. A stable careers programme
  2. Learning from career and labour market information
  3. Addressing the needs of each student
  4. Linking curriculum learning to careers
  5. Encounters with employers and employees
  6. Experiences of workplaces
  7. Encounters with further and higher education
  8. Personal Guidance

For further reading on these benchmarks please see links below:

Applied General Qualifications

These qualifications are equivalent to either one, two or three A-Levels and can be taken as an alternative to gain entry to Higher Education (i.e. university), equivalent to similar UCAS points as regular A-Levels. They take two years to complete and are vocational qualifications intended to develop work-related skills. You will generally need four GCSEs at grade four or above to gain entry to these courses. You can study subjects such as construction, engineering, criminology, psychology, ICT, media, music and drama. Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form is constantly developing its own programme of such courses.


What are T-levels?

T-levels are a new type of qualification that focuses on high-level technical study and work-ready skills. They have been developed to offer a quality alternative to A-levels and will provide young people with a clear route to skilled employment, as well as progression to higher or degree Apprenticeships, or degree-level study at university.

T-levels will combine the career focus and practical elements of current technical and professional qualifications like BTECs and NVQs, with the theory and study of traditional A-levels.

A core component of the T-levels qualification is a 45-day industry-based placement, where students will apply the theory they learn in the classroom to the workplace and develop the essential work-ready skills that employers are looking for.

For further details have a look at Hugh Baird College video on "What are T-Levels?"

Further Education Colleges

If you are interested in a particular career it may be beneficial for you to apply to college to gain experience and qualifications post-16 before applying for an apprenticeship or employment. Colleges will offer a variety of courses both practical and vocational. It is important to consider all the options and apply for the programme that is best suited to you both in terms of entry requirements and your career aspirations.

At college you be able to choose from a whole selection of careers such as construction including bricklaying, plumbing, joinery, painting and decorating and all other types of tool trades. If you are interested in becoming a chef or barber, for example, a good place to start would be a local college.

For further information on local FE Colleges please visit links below;

Studio Schools / UTCs

Studio schools and University Technical Colleges are types of secondary schools for students between the ages of 14-19. They have a maximum capacity of 300 students and they give students the opportunity to develop practical skills in workplace environments combined with traditional academic and vocational courses of study.

Students can apply for a place at these schools aged 14 (Year 10) and aged 16 (Year 11). For local studio schools and university technical colleges please see links below;


If you have a particular interest in subjects or a certain career in mind then studying at Cardinal Heenan Sixth Form could be the option for you. When considering your A-Levels it is important to note there will be entry grade requirements you need to achieve at GCSE.

It is also a good idea to look at your potential future career ideas and map them out looking at potential subject requirements, particularly if you are considering university post-18. For example, to study engineering at degree level, Maths will be an essential A-Level alongside at least one other science-based subject. Medicine will require you to study Chemistry and Biology at A-Level and one from either Physics or Maths.

Have an idea of your future ideal career(s) and where you would like to be in ten years’ time and work backwards. Consider qualifications and experience you would need to gain to make that transition possible.

For more information on A-Level subject combinations and facilitating subjects please see the link below which is guidance from the Russell Group Universities on entry requirements.

Labour Markets / Local Economy

Understanding the labour market and particularly that of the local environment can help identify potential career pathways and employment opportunities of the future. Understanding what skills employers will be looking for and the potential skill gaps of the future can help a student plot their future career pathway.


Apprentices earn a wage and work alongside experienced staff to gain job-specific skills, whilst studying for a nationally recognised qualification with a training provider or local college. Apprenticeships can be complete in one year or some will last for a total of four years. Apprenticeships are designed with the help of the employers in the industry, so they offer a structured programme that takes you through the skills you need.


Apprenticeships are increasingly recognised as the gold standard for work-based training.

  1. Intermediate Level Apprenticeships (equivalent of getting 5 GCSEs at grade 9-4)
  2. Advanced Level Apprenticeships (equivalent to 2 A-level passes)
  3. Higher Apprenticeships (equivalent to a foundation degree)


The current minimum wage rate for an apprentice is £5.28 per hour. This rate applies to apprentices under 19 and those aged 19 or over who are in their first year.

Applying for an Apprenticeship

Apprenticeships are open to all age groups above 16 years-old whether you are just leaving school, have been working for years or are seeking to start a new career. There may be different entry requirements depending on the Apprenticeship and the industry sector. However competition for places with employers can be fierce, so you will need to show that you are committed, and aware of your responsibilities to both yourself and the company who would employ you.

All apprenticeships will be advertised @

You will need to register on the site and search for apprenticeships using keywords, job roles and location. If you see any of interest you need to apply online and you can apply for up to 10 vacancies at any one time. On the site you will complete an application and you will need to complete this to the best of your ability as this may be sent straight to employers. Some vacancies may direct you direct to the employers website to follow their application process.

For other helpful websites please see links below;

Work Experience

Ideally work experience happens in the last two weeks of the school year for Year 10s. Towards the end of Year 9 they are encouraged by form tutors to find a self- placement. They do this by networking among family and friends, their placement should be informed by the previous Industry day, their options, their academic strengths and by the work done on careers during PSHE. The form tutor facilitates this process and the school supports with contacts from previous years. When they confirm a place details are provided and the school makes contact. The details are forwarded to Compact who carry out the H&S visit and then conform its suitability.

There will be a percentage of pupils who will not be successful and they will be offered placements organised by Compact. These placements are limited in scope and won’t necessarily match the pupils intended career path.

Previous to their placements the Year 10s will receive an induction talk from Compact on H&S in the workplace. The pupils are given various forms to be filled in or to be given to the employer as well as a work placement diary to be filled in daily during the two weeks.

The feedback from pupils is always positive and the impact is strong in terms of clarifying future pathways, motivating their future study, providing weekend or summer work and future employment.

Industry Day

Industry day takes place every year on the Friday before February half term . As soon as they begin in September both Year 9 and Year 11 students are made aware of this. The month of November is scheduled in PSHE to present the career booklets to the pupils and help them take a broad perspective and become aware of the many possibilities that are open to them. The form tutor facilitates this process and makes sure that the pupil is exploring pathways that are realisable and correspond to his academic abilities.

After running this event for years we have a bank of loyal providers across all the professions and trades and without their goodwill the formative impact of this event would be lost. From this day links are established which are often developed and result in future employment. These providers often commit a year ahead and that confirmation is given ideally before Christmas. At the end of the event the providers are issued with certificates to acknowledge their contributions.

By the end of November the pupil should have arrived at three options that he wishes to explore further during Industry day. For Year 8 pupils this process is married to their choice of options to ensure that the subjects they choose are consonant with their current understanding of their future career paths. Letters are then sent to enlist the input of parents and ensure their involvement and support. The choices on the returned letters are then inputted on spreadsheets and providers are informed of numbers for each workshop.

Recognising the enhanced importance of this event for school leavers a letter is sent which includes their previous Year 8 choices and curriculum vitae and personal statements are requested for their mock job interviews which take place straight after the Industry Day. The hope is that they will experience this as a coming together of the career work throughout their years at school leading to a clear and hopeful direction in life.

On the day approximately 50 career paths are provided on a workshop basis and the feedback from pupils is always positive. Many of the providers are school alumni and there is a real atmosphere of mutual celebration of school success.

Provider Access Policy

Cardinal Heenan High School: Provider Access Policy

This policy statement sets out the school’s arrangements for managing the access of providers to pupils at the school for the purpose of giving them information about the provider’s education or training offer. This complies with the school’s legal obligations under Section 42B of the Education Act 1997.

Pupil entitlement
All pupils in years 8-13 are entitled:
• to find out about technical education qualifications and apprenticeships opportunities, as part of a careers programme which provides information on the full range of education and training options available at each transition point;
• to hear from a range of local providers about the opportunities they offer, including technical education and apprenticeships – through options events, assemblies and group discussions and taster events;
• to understand how to make applications for the full range of academic and technical courses.

Management of provider access requests

A provider wishing to request access and/or to discuss events and options should contact Ms C. Hackett, Information, Advice and Guidance Mentor.
Telephone: 0151 235 1430 Email:

Opportunities for access
A number of events, integrated into the school careers programme, will offer providers an opportunity to come into school to speak to pupils and/or their parents/carers.

Premises and facilities
The school will make the main hall, classrooms or private meeting rooms available for discussions between the provider and students, as appropriate to the activity. The school will also make available AV and other specialist equipment to support provider presentations. This will all be discussed and agreed in advance of the visit with the Careers Leader or a member of their team.

Providers are welcome to leave a copy of their prospectus or other relevant course literature which will be available for pupils in the school library. Pupils have access to the library during lunchtimes and after school.

Information for Employers

Cardinal Heenan appreciate and welcome all businesses and employers to get involved.
If you are looking at recruiting an apprentice please visit the Apprenticeship Hub.

If you are looking to connect wih schools in your area have a look at the Growth Platform Careers Hub for further details.

If you are willing to contribute to our Careers, Work Related Learning and Enterprise programme in school in any of the following areas. Please get in touch with our Careers Leader all notes above regarding our schools provider access policy:

Direct line: 0151 235 1477

Can you help with any of the following: We need you!

We have Twitter, Instagram and Linked in if you wish to connect through them platforms also.

Twitter - @cardinalheenan

Instagram - @cardinal_heenan_liverpool


Year 11 or 12 Mock Interviews
Year 10 , 12 & 13 Work Experience
All years Tell your story "Your pathway to success"
"Meet the professional"
All years Volunteering Opportunities
All years Careers Talks
All years Employment opportunities - What businesses look for
Years 11-13 Apprenticeship Vacancy opportunities
All years

Employability & skill development workshops

All year groups

Raising aspirations

Career Programme year 7 to 13

Cardinal Heenan thrive to ensure all our pupils have positive destinations when they leave school at Year 11 and Year 13. We have a new and improved careers programme that supports all benchmarks and is set up to support all pupils individual needs. This programme is organised to step up a gear as the pupils move through the school.

There will also be external speakers and agencies included in this new strategy. Extra interventions can be put in place to support pupils who require further provisions. The following agencies are involved in supporting Cardinal Heenan pupils, parents and staff throughout the year.

  • Shaping Futures
  • Career Connect
  • Social Mobility Foundation
  • Liverpool Scholars
  • Unifrog
  • UCAS
  • The Apprenticeships Hub - Liverpool City Region

Attached at the bottom of this webpage are the curriculum summary plans for each year group.

The career programme will be reviewed termly in line with the delivered session and the impact it has had on the pupils. A thorough review will be carried out in December 2021, to improve the programme for the following school year based on areas raised from feedback provided from pupils, parents, staff, governors and external agencies.

Parents and carers

As a parent, you are incredibly influential when it comes to the decisions your child makes in all areas of his life and that is especially true when it comes to their education and careers. We know that the choices, which are open to your son today, may be very different from when you were in their position and you may feel as if you’re unsure about what advice to offer. We want to try and make it as easy as possible for you to talk to your child about their options confidently and know that the information you have is as accurate and as up to date as possible.

Please find some links below and read through the careers section of our website, if there are still questions that you have in order to support your sons decisions, please contact or careers lead mentioned at the top of the page.


All parents can register for free on unifrog using our school code which was sent out via parent mail, if you need this again do not hesitate in contacting the careers lead.

Target Careers

The 100 most popular employers for school leavers and the top 50 universities.

Tomorrows Engineers links to guide for parents:

What University? What Course?

Degree Course Finder -
Push - Guide to UK universities-
Independent guide to UK universities, student life, gap years, open days, student finance and all things student related.
What uni - university search site -

Easy searching for university courses, university course reviews and college course reviews in the UK.

bestCourse4me -

Shows you the link between what people study and their employment record afterwards.

Open University-

Not sure you want the expense of university? Then you could consider Open University course. Find out more by visiting the above website.

A parents guide to understanding Apprenticeships and what you need to know.

National Apprenticeship Service official website -
Work based learning providers across the Merseyside area - (digital skills/social media apprenticeships)


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Cardinal Heenan