Transition Support 2025
Welcome from the Headteacher
Ms Smyth, the Headteacher is looking forward to welcoming you to the Information Evening on Wednesday 19th March at 6pm.
Take a Tour...
Year 6 Correspondence
Correspondence will be sent out via email and will be available at the bottom of this page.
What will I be studying in September?
Subjects have provided information and activities for you to complete in preparation for September. The resources give you an insight into what you will study and will also give you a head start. See the bottom of the page for links to resources for each subject.
Welcome pack and gift from the Headteacher
At the Information Evening, you will receive a welcome pack, where the Headteacher has kindly gifted every new Year 7 student with a school tie to welcome them into the Cardinal Heenan family.
Parental Transition Online Form
This is your opportunity as a parent to tell us various things about your son. The parent questionnaire is available here. We need all parents to have completed the form by Friday 22nd June 2024.
Student Transition Passport Online Form
We are asking parents of Year 6 students to support their son in completing an online form using the link below. This will give us a further insight into your son as an individual as we are about developing the child as a whole, not just academically. The student form is available here. Which will need to be completed by Friday 20th June 2025.
Admissions Data Online Form - Have you completed it?
Please can you ensure the Admissions Data Booklet is completed as accurately as possible. This is a compulsory document for any new member to our school. The deadline for completion of this form is Friday 20th June 2025. It must be completed before your son attends his Induction Day on Wednesday 2nd July 2025. The Admissions Data form is available here.
Frequently Asked Questions
How many pupils are in Year 7?
In each year group we have the capacity for 240 pupils. However, we are oversubscribed each year, so numbers can exceed this.
Who is in charge of Year 7?
The Head of Year and Behaviour Support Worker will be confirmed in the summer term. There will be 9 form tutors who will be the first port of call for parents or pupils, as they will see pupils every morning in form time. Form time is from 8.30am til 9.00am each day.
Which set/ form will my son be in? Will he be with his friends for lessons?
We have adopted mixed ability bands for the past two years as we teach all students to the top. The form group is also the class group. We also have a nurture setting to support students who are entering secondary school significantly below expected and/ or with require a smaller setting due to their specific needs.
We make no guarantees that they will be with a friend in their form/class. This is a fresh start, in a journey that could last up to seven years. It is important that students integrate and get to know as many people in their year group. The year group is made up of boys from over 40 feeder primary schools.
How big are the classes?
Class sizes range from 12 to 31 students due to them being based on mixed ability bands and where they are located in the school.
What are the timings of the day?
Students need to be on the premises by 8.25am where they will line up on the yard. Lessons are one hour long and start on the hour before break e.g. period 1 is at 9am. Period 4 has a split lunch. P5 starts at 1.50 and finishes at 2.40pm. Students have a 'Tuck' break where they can purchase refreshments and go to the toilet.
How long is lunchtime?
Year 7 have lunchtime on their own, and it lasts for 30 minutes. This is enough time to eat lunch and have a short break on the main yard where they can play short tennis or basketball. Year 7 have what we call a ‘split’ lunchtime during period 4. They are taught for 30 minutes, then go to lunch, then return to the same lesson for the final 30 minutes.
What enrichment activities are available?
There are a range of enrichment activities on before and after school. They range from sports, art, music, drama to STEM, history and DT. There are also enrichment opportunities within the school day such as School Council, various associations e.g. medical, engineering. A timetable will be put together in the first term and students are made aware during form period.
What uniform do I need to buy?
Please go to the Uniform Flyer for information regarding the school uniform. We have a compulsory school coat which can be purchased from the school office for £36. It comes in red and black, light blue and black or all black. School shoes should resemble a traditional shoe; refer to Unifrom Flyer for further information. You can purchase uniform from Lisa’s or West Derby Uniform shop (all information will be in the updated handbook).
What will happen on the first day and what will pupils need?
On the first day pupils come in through the school hall and are greeted by the Year 7 Team. In the school hall they will have a welcome assembly. Then they will be told which form group they are in and spend the morning with their form. They will need to bring a school bag with pencil case, a drink (not fizzy or energy drinks), a school coat and either a packed lunch or money for a school dinner (unless they receive free school meals). They will also need a PE kit on the first day as they may have PE.
Can they bring a mobile phone into school?
Mobile phones are banned in school. They can bring a phone to school, but it must be switched off and in their inside blazer pocket or bag. If they are seen with a phone out in lesson or during social time it will be confiscated and taken to the main office to be collected at the end of the school day. This is to safeguard and protect everyone in school.