Policies and GDPR
Information and documents provided here are all available as hard copies from school. Please contact us if you would like a printed version.
Information regarding the school GDPR policy is available by clicking here
- Administering Medication PolicyPDF File
- Adverse Weather ConditionsPDF File
- Anti-bullying PolicyPDF File
- Attendance leave of absence formPDF File
- Attendance PolicyPDF File
- Barring Unreasonable ComplainantsPDF File
- Behaviour for Learning PolicyPDF File
- Careers PolicyPDF File
- Catholic Values British Values StatementPDF File
- CCTV-PolicyPDF File
- Centre Assessed Grades Policy SummerPDF File
- Charging and Remissions PolicyPDF File
- Collective_Worship_PolicyPDF File
- Complaints policyPDF File
- Conflict of Interest policyPDF File
- Emergency Evacuation ProcedurePDF File
- Equality Objectives and Accessibility PlanPDF File
- Examination Appeals PolicyPDF File
- Examination Contingency PlanPDF File
- Examinations PolicyPDF File
- First Aid policyPDF File
- GDPR Data Protection PolicyPDF File
- GDPR Privacy Notice for Pupils and FamiliesPDF File
- Governors AttendancePDF File
- Governors details 24-25PDF File
- Governors VisitsPDF File
- Governors' Allowance PolicyPDF File
- GSCE Controlled Assessment PolicyPDF File
- Home School AgreementPDF File
- LAC PolicyPDF File
- Literacy PolicyPDF File
- Malpractice PolicyPDF File
- Managing Allegations PolicyPDF File
- Managing medicines policyPDF File
- Mental Health PolicyPDF File
- Mobile phone protocolPDF File
- Numeracy Across the Curriculum Audit 2023PDF File
- Numeracy PolicyPDF File
- Online Safety Acceptable Use Policy (Parents)PDF File
- Online Safety PolicyPDF File
- Prayer and Liturgy PolicyPDF File
- Provider Access LegislationPDF File
- RSE PolicyPDF File
- Safeguarding/Child Protection PolicyPDF File
- Safer Recruitment Policy recruitment and selectionPDF File
- School Food PolicyPDF File
- SEND Information ReportPDF File
- SEND PolicyPDF File
- Social Media PolicyPDF File
- Spiritual Moral Social Cultural PolicyPDF File
- Supporting children and young people with Medical Conditions in school June 2022PDF File
- Trips & Visits PolicyPDF File
- Young Carers PolicyPDF File